colecole555 ban apeal;
Who banned you?LittleLea

When were you banned? (Time/Date) 4:55

Why were you banned? I said racist thing/ homophobic things / spamming

Are you at fault? Yes

What was your rank on MCP? none

Why should we unban you? I feel embarrassed for the racist/homophobic things I said and also spamming. I thought it would be funny at the time but know that Im banned I regret it and wish I could go back in time and change my actions. If i was aloud back on the server earlier than my banĀ  I would not spam and be kind and a helpful player to the server. I can be calm , not spam and say racist/ homophobic things. if you gave me a second chance I would be a completely different person.

Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? I deserve this punishment because i was racist and homophobic but Im sorry and feel bad after I was banned and do not want to be banned again
Additional info:
My reply is the same as before just wait your 3 days out and learn from it.

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