colecole555 ban apeal;
Who banned you?LittleLea
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 4:55
Why were you banned? There was a event and i asked to be tped and they just tped my friend and they said no its over so i sent 4 messages and they banned me. you should have muted me probbably why your server is small.
Are you at fault? Yes
What was your rank on MCP? nothing
Why should we unban you? Because I wont be toxic anymore and I want to play again If I be toxic again i know i will be permanlty banned
Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? I do not think i deserve this punishment it was too harsh you should have muted me not banned me.
Additional info:
I am remorseful for what I did and I will not do it agian
I'm not sure what your on about however, it is a 3 day ban due to the fact that you kept spamming chat, was toxic as can be, kept using homophobic slurs/ racist ones. Your lucky its only a 3 day ban, see ya in 3 days come back with a new attitude please. thanks.

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