Enable /mail send
1. Is your idea logical?
2. Could it be done easily? A simple change in the permissions adding "- essentials.mail.send" should do it.
3. Has something like it been done before? I don't believe it has.
4. Has this idea been suggested before? It was suggested some time ago.

I understand why you might not see a need for this, but I feel like a decent number of people would benefit from this. For starters, it will help the economy.  For example, I have seen a lot of player signs saying, "Msg me if you want to buy X". The problem is, people live in different time zones  or have IRL obligations which make it harder to catch them when they're on. By having /mail, you can set a time for both of you to get on and do business.

Another way it could benefit players is simply talking to friends who aren't online at the time. There have been instances when I tried to talk to a few friends, but had to wait to see them online. It just makes it easier for players to communicate.

I really do not see a way for this to be misused. You could disable the ability for someone to mass message the server, so that should not be an issue. If a player does abuse it somehow, you can always just restrict their ability to use command.
-1, correct me if I am wrong silas, but you disabled mail because players would be to lazy to report anything and just spam you?


LSI: http://forums.cdgs.net/index.php/topic,3689.0.html
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+1 I too have a hard time trying to get on at the same time as some other players, and I want to or need to talk to them, whether it is about buying something or just discussing something. Maybe instead of spamming chat, the rule could be changed to just straight up, "no spamming" this way if someone spams "mails" then it would be easy to take a screenshot of the spam and get a report on them. I feel like it would be a great implementation to the server and very easy to avoid abuse on it.


I mı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨ade you wipe your screen.
I'd like it, it would be useful when trying to talk to an offline player, they would see it right when they log on.


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