EuroYeet's Guard Application
What is your IGN? EuroYeet
How old are you as of now?  I am 16 years old.
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) My playtime on MCP is 221.6 hours and counting.
When can you play on MCP? I can play on MCP after school and on the weekends.
What is your timezone? EST
What is your rank on the server? Citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes, but not classic servers.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). No, I do not have guard experience. I hope to have experience and learn from this on MCP. This is the only server I play that has guard ranks.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes, I have.
Why should we pick you to be our next guard? I should be chosen to be the next guard because I am very active and I get along with most players. I would like to be more helpful to the server as well. I am pretty active on ts and involved in the MCP community.

REEEEEEE, thanks for taking the time to read my guard application!
+1 pretty active and friendly, would make a good guard
+1 owo’s very hard
+1 Amazing person who I feel would suite guarding well


[Image: 0Xy4rwK.jpg]

[Image: lpFQ2b2.jpg]
+1 Pretty good guy!

I am not sure about this kid.. He won't tell me what I want to know might have to ban this kid just for reasons!


[Image: 9aabf691e1dff868f2587373a1555d92.png]
+1 yes
+1 H i r e H i m


[Image: xS21j9z.jpg]
+1 Would make a great guard
+1 Good at pvp, definatley would make a good fit, better than some of our recently demoted guards.. Good Luck son!


[Image: 308px-Olivia_Rodrigo_OR_Logo.svg.png]
I don't feel like I know this player well enough to give an accurate assessment.

So far though I've seen he has an act for pvping and is very friendly in chat and In Teamspeak/Discord.

Good Luck!


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]

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