deconris ban appeal
IGN: at the time of ban, DjentGod.
Who banned you? I think dragonapex
When were you banned? (Time/Date) mid-late summer of 2020
Why were you banned? A friend (I know who) logged on my account and said the N word. I want to apologize for this because I knew that this friend did things like this and would go on servers to troll. I told the friend to please keep away from this server, particularly because they are already banned on their account. But it had no effect. I also want to apologize to the community for my immaturity and toxicity. I have grown a lot as an individual over the past seasons and would love to be able to have another chance in the community.
Are you at fault? Yes, because I gave the friend the credentials to my account.
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? Because over the course of time I have developed into a more stable and effervescent individual. I desire to add peace and tranquility to the community instead of toxicity, immaturity, and lies. which I had done frivolously previously. Part of this is due to me going from being a Freshman to a Junior. 
Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? If I was fined, No. If I wasn't fined, I think I should be.
Additional info: Once again I would like to apologize for this act of hatred. I take this personally seriously which is why I am making the appeal.

Messages In This Thread
deconris ban appeal - by deconris - Mar 5th, 2022, 10:24 PM
Re: deconris ban appeal - by LaughNgamez - Mar 6th, 2022, 02:09 AM

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