Gavinator27's Guard Application V2
IGN - Gavinator27
Age - 14
When can I play - I try to play whenever I can, MCP is my favorite minecraft server so it will be the first place I go when I have time to play
Timezone - Eastern Standard Time (ex: Manhattan)
Rank - Citizen
Experience with other prison servers - I have played on other prison servers although MCP is the best
Guarding experience - I have no experience with guarding but I hope I can have experience guarding for MCP!
Rules - I have read the rules, hence the quote "dank fuel can't melt steel memes"
You should pick me out to be the next guard because I have been here since the stone age of MCP, and I am a nice guy, GreedyWifi said I am a very nice guy in server chat. I also have called out a hacker that was banned on the server, Ipunchbabys4fun was banned for hacking, and I recall calling him a hacker earlier in the day. I hope I can be the next guard for MCP. Thank you for your consideration.

Messages In This Thread
Gavinator27's Guard Application V2 - by Gavinator27 - Dec 6th, 2015, 05:22 AM
Re: Gavinator27's Guard Application V2 - by GreedyWifi - Dec 6th, 2015, 06:21 AM
Re: Gavinator27's Guard Application V2 - by TySun - Dec 8th, 2015, 01:02 PM
Re: Gavinator27's Guard Application V2 - by 7ywatson - Dec 8th, 2015, 02:02 PM

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