/grinder enderman
I can tell you know very little about how an ender grinder works.

Spawn sides has nothing to do with it, in fact I prefer to make one sided grinder because it is faster exp.

I have no clue what you mean by blocks wide, I can only assume you mean how many pistons are added in the middle.

What do you need sticky pistons for? The pistons in an ender grinder serve to push the endermen down into the safe-fall zone then to the kill-zone. Regular pistons are just fine.

The thing that makes ender grinders more efficient are SPAWN PADS, spawn pads are very small pads which allow endermen to spawn on them and then walk off onto the area where the pistons push them and so on. Spawn pads are added to each end of a side of a grinder, for a single sided grinder it would be 2 pads per level making the grinder really tall which is still okay.

One key element that makes grinders work is that endermen can ONLY spawn on the spawn pads and walk onto the drop zone. To do this there must be no platform or building with more than 2.5 blocks of air above it. This means the living space of the grind must be very short. The entire bottom of the grinder which encases the living space must be covered it water as, endermen do not spawn in water because water damages them. This also stops them from teleporting away. There must be no platforms with 2.5 or more blocks of air above it with-in a 32 block radius of the grinder to prevent endermen from teleporting away or spawning elsewhere.

If you need to know anything else about ender grinders feel free to ask me or b_bob58 ( Who also knows a lot about how these work. )


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]

Messages In This Thread
/grinder enderman - by _Efex - Apr 27th, 2014, 04:08 PM
Re: /grinder enderman - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Apr 27th, 2014, 06:13 PM
Re: /grinder enderman - by zs471 - Apr 28th, 2014, 03:41 PM

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