Sting's Stupid Ideas Ver 1
1. Is your idea logical?
I think it is but it's most likely not.

2. Could it be done easily?
Easy yes. Fast nope.

3. Has something like it been done before?
I have 100% belief that I have no clue.

4. Has this idea been suggested before?
Zs sorta suggested it but mine is a bit different.

There's something beautiful sweeping the nation.  Something everyone is playing. Fort-

Wait what? Fortnite sucks? Battleroyales are so last year? Ok.

Take two.

There's something beautiful sweeping the nation.  Something everyone is playing!

Tomogatchi/pokemon/spontaneously getting a pet.

Now making pokemon would take ages and everyone would just keep making drugs and not catch em all so how

about... Pets!

The idea is that in some way, shape, or form you acquire a pet egg that you keep in your inventory for a bit until it hatches.

It becomes a random Pet which would be a custom head. You can get these eggs from doing things such as mining,

fishing, growing crops, fighting mobs, etc. You get an egg of a pet based on what you were doing (eg. 

mining *mole?* pet, fishing *puffer pet* growing crops *cow pet* etc). Each pet would start at lvl 1 and max out at

100. You can train the pet by running around with it and using its ability if it has one. Speaking of ability, some of the

rarer pets could have a skill if you right click it - maybe from the start or when it reaches a certain lvl (the skill getting

stronger as you lvl it up). You can also get pet eggs from crates maybe and buy them from point shop.  This would

add special crate pets too, and of course you can rename them.

Extra bonus problem solving add ons (now 100% easier with new Pets!)!!!

1. Add Guard drop pet eggs to make more reason to pop guards

2. Make it so if you use Drugs a lot your pets get addicted too which will make it impossible to /suicide before they get an addiction from it..

3. Making pets that you get from doing things that are not as profitable as making drugs (like fishing, growing crops, and completing the hardcore parkour/mazes) would give you more options.

Messages In This Thread
Sting's Stupid Ideas Ver 1 - by stinglikebeedril - Jan 14th, 2019, 04:18 PM
Re: Sting's Stupid Ideas Ver 1 - by 1802aswagg - Jan 14th, 2019, 04:26 PM
Re: Sting's Stupid Ideas Ver 1 - by AcidBlitz_ - Jan 15th, 2019, 09:59 AM
Re: Sting's Stupid Ideas Ver 1 - by ItsKelinu - Jan 15th, 2019, 05:36 PM
Re: Sting's Stupid Ideas Ver 1 - by stinglikebeedril - Jan 15th, 2019, 06:24 PM

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