Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - Printable Version

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Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - Lord63 - Feb 13th, 2018

IGN: Lord63
Who banned you? LittleLea
When were you banned? Tuesday, February 13th 2018 at 7:45 pm
Why were you banned? Homophobic Slurs
Are you at fault? Absolutely not
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? Becuase my ban is absolute bullshit calling someone a "fag" For yelling at a guard and at me for killing them multiple times. and having to explain why He cant go fucking head hunt my fat ass over it AND on top of that I was in pvp when it happened so I'm gonna kiss my warden set P4 set and my cactus helm + arradon axe + a stack of gapps + TybaltXs Pyramid healing thingy. So yeaaaaa sorry if I'm being a bit salty but duo to auto clears I've lost alotttttt of stuff touring at 4Million+ Of just warden sets and let's not include The kabeth bow So in total I lost at least 2 million worth of stuff So I'm in a greatttt moooood
Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? I'm broke as fuck I have 1.1k Finding me will literally not do jack shit
Additional info: I'm a bit pissed including my parents fucking divorce I have to deal.

I'm apologizing now because the way I wrote this was in pure rage/anger.

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - Cpt_PandaPantz - Feb 13th, 2018

This ban appeal is beyond a joke!

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - Maelonic - Feb 13th, 2018

for being a temp ban this ban appeal was uncalled for and just childish.  also please dont do ban appeals when you are still ragging

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - littlelea - Feb 13th, 2018

wow lol is all I have to say for this also people have been perm ban for this, so your lucky. And this ban appeal is absolutely horrible. I believe you need the 2 day ban to calm down and all moderators have spoken due to how you are talking and acting we believe you need another day added onto your ban to think about what you have done and fully learn from it. Very sorry love! see ya in 3 days (2day ban+the 1 ya just earned)

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - DogTag93 - Feb 13th, 2018

My feelings on this.


Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - LaughNgamez - Feb 13th, 2018

Seeing as how this post/ban is pretty significant I'll weigh in on it.

For starters, I don't know what you expected to accomplish with a ban appeal of this demeanor as it is obnoxious and completely improper. Even if you feel a ban was unjust you cannot take an attitude/insult staff to get your point across. Doing so will result in you being banned or blocked from posting on the forums as messages like this won't fly on the server and won't fly here either.

However with that being said there's two parts of this ban to discuss. I'll start with the latter one by saying that the extension of a ban by a moderator in game due to a users posts on the forums is certainly not allowed in this case. Whether you're in game staff or not if you have an issue regarding a post by a user on the forums you can take it to either me, Zeedin, or any other forums moderators. Adding on a days ban in this case is nothing but trying to assert yourself particularly with the petty improper talk.

The second part of this post pertains to the initial ban from my point of view. I can say myself I have banned users in the past for varying offenses that could have been mutes. That being said those people usually had quite a record of toxicity. Lord63 has a decent amount of prior offenses but not too many when things are considered. It's also worth pointing out that Lea hadn't issued any punishments to Lord63 in the past other than today so it's not like they had much back and forth before. I wouldn't say Lord63's offense would warrant anything beyond a mute. It's not like he had multiple mutes precluding up to the ban so jumping to a tempban on a whim for something that is usually a mute seems extreme. Even if a user is banned to "chill out" an hour to a day is certainly sufficient for them to compose them self.

In short:
- The ban will be lifted but let it be clear it is because of the nature of the ban and not the terrible appeal.
- Make another post like this and you'll be banned off the forums.
- I feel it should be stated again that staff should issue punishments equally. Staff are allowed to have varying levels of punishment compared to other staff but punishment must not vary between users.
- I hate you all for making me write a long post.
- 2 days for a ban like this is extreme. I may have agreed with it if it was handled better/was shorter.
- Staff can't ban in game for things said through other platforms and should avoid mod mentality (including the forums/teamspeak).

After all is said this is a Minecraft server. Be relaxed, enjoy the server, and when making serious points do so in a proper manner.

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - mitsuo_wolfblood - Feb 13th, 2018

(Feb 13th, 2018, 10:02 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote: - Staff can't ban in game for things said through other platforms and should avoid mod mentality (including the forums/teamspeak).



Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - Lord63 - Feb 14th, 2018

thank you mit

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - masterovieOG - Feb 14th, 2018

Someone wanna lick this post?

Re: Lord63's (bs) ban apeal - DogTag93 - Feb 14th, 2018
